


The character of Sakuntala, in Kalidasa‘s play Abhijnanasakuntalam is a remarkable fusion of beauty and moral prowess. On one hand

Latin influence on English language is perhaps the most important of all the foreign contributions that have enriched the English

John Milton’s presentation of the rebel angels in Paradise Lost, as they rise from the lake of fire and light

The French influence on English language started its course with the Norman Conquest of 1066 AD. William of Normandy defeated

The title Mricchakatika literally means “The Little Clay Cart”. It has both literal and metaphoric significance in the play. At

Society in Mricchakatika is reflected in different aspects, primarily because the play is essentially a Prakarana. In a Prakarana, the

Vasantasena is one of the most prominent characters found in Indian classical drama. Sudraka’s Mrichchakatika is a realistic presentation of characters in a unique story of love, loss and desire. The playwright goes beyond the usual conventions followed by traditional Indian dramatists. His originality of vision and capability is seen in his presentation of the central female character Vasantasena.

Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman in Sudraka’s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of respectable social position

Allusions in Prufrock range from Biblical references to literary masterpieces. Here are six most important allusions in Prufrock that a reader must know to understand the poem completely.

The character of Prufrock is the most remarkable aspect of T. S. Eliot’s poem “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” as presented through his extraordinary treatment of this dramatic monologue.

Descriptive essay is a common topic for English exams for Schools and Board exams. Here are five quick tips to help students write beautiful descriptive essays easily and score great marks in their assignments or school work.

An Introduction Indian writing in English, as a genre, is characterised with a multiplicity and variety when it comes to

J.M.Synge’s Riders to the Sea is a remarkable dramatic presentation of an elegiac situation, represented both on a personal level

John Milton‘s “Paradise Lost” is a celebrated epic in English Literature. He transforms the Biblical account about the Fall of

Sonnet: Its Origin and Development in England Sonnet (originating from the Italian “sonnetto”) refers to a short poem of fourteen

In “The Tempest”, William Shakespeare draws the character of Caliban with dubious shades. Critics down the ages have responded differently

It has been said that Dickens is not generally successful in drawing female characters and that his men are as

Anne Sullivan’s contribution in the life of Helen Keller is immense and fathomless. In the autobiography of Helen “The Story

Nationalism: Contexts and Conditions Nationalism, as a politico-literary term, is etymologically connected to the word “nation”, which the Oxford Literary

Kubla Khan by S.T.Coleridge is a poem that has been interpreted in a thousand different ways. Critics have analysed every

The plays written in the modern and post modern period throw a series of questions regarding the relationship shared between

To Dionese… The Earth rouses herself from her winter gloom. The sun rays shine with rising vigour on the fast

Shakespeare’s Sonnet: Introduction Sonnets are invariably personal. Intense subjectivity is found to form a key character in sonnet writing. Regarding

Miranda: Epitome of Purity The character of Miranda is indeed one of the most wonderful creations of Shakespeare. She is

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